News Podcast: A Revolution in News Consumption

Designed by Raphael Batista, the News Podcast app redefines how news is consumed

The News Podcast app, designed by Raphael Batista, is a unique innovation that aims to transform the way people consume news. Inspired by the need for a convenient and engaging news format, the app presents fresh news in audio or video format, making it ideal for commutes or car trips.

The uniqueness of the News Podcast app lies in its user-friendly design and functionality. Users can save their favorite podcasts, ensuring they never miss out on topics that interest them. The app was primarily designed using Sketch and animated with Protopie, with video elements created using Rotato. The technical specifications adhere to the standard formats of iPhone 375 x 667, with the design based on the iOS apple library and developed in Swift Programming Language.

The design process was meticulous and user-focused. It began with a thorough market analysis and the creation of personas. Wireframes were designed based on these personas, with functionalities added to meet the needs of the marketing and redaction team. The final prototypes were then validated through a series of user tests, corrections, and re-validations.

The News Podcast project was initiated in June 2019 in Brussels and completed in February 2020. The underlying research for the design was based on data from both subscribed and non-subscribed readers, user tests, and a tracking system on the sites. The research and improvement process is ongoing, with enhancements still in the pipeline.

The project faced several challenges, particularly regarding the integration of advertising and the provision of quality information. Another significant challenge was making the News Podcast app "intelligent" to cater to the user's needs and the market's behavior with audio information. The project also had to consider the working methodology of the journalists, as not all editors had a pleasant voice for audio news.

The News Podcast app is a testament to Batista's innovative approach to design. It has been recognized with the prestigious Silver A' Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award in 2020, a testament to its outstanding expertise and innovation. The copyright for this design belongs to Raphael Batista, 2020.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Raphael Batista
Image Credits: Shutterstock / Freepik
Project Team Members: Raphael Batista
Project Name: News app
Project Client: Raphael Batista

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